Easel Painting

Angels with the Instruments of the Passion _ oil on canvas

Angel with Crown of Thorns and Spear

1.2. Angel with the scourges

These two oil paintings on canvas arrived at our studio in a very bad condition. They are medium-sized paintings from the 18th century.

Firstly, it was performed a general assessment of the support and the pictorial layer. It was found that the pictorial layer was very vulnerable, so it was consolidated. Then, deformations and small tears were treated and we proceeded to the cleaning of both the pictorial layer and the support as well as filling the gap areas. Finally, it was carried out a chromatic reintegration (the restoration of areas with missing paint) and it was applied a protective layer (varnish).

Abstract painting

Before intervention (tears marked with circles). Photography with transmitted light.

After the conservation and restoration intervention.
